Upcoming Anthologies

The Writers' Stuff #2

Anyone wishing to submit a work into our SECOND Anthology book, there will be a top end limit in the region of 20,000 words, but I'm not going to enforce a strict limit (just use a little sense). Only ONE entry per author please, which you should accompany with a brief author bio, a list of your published works (links optional), and any single excerpt from a published work or a WIP around a maximum of 750 words.

Submissions MUST NOT have been released in a previous work, but all authors retain the rights to their own works and may publish them separately after the publication of the Anthology. Excerpts are open to any theme/genre. Only restriction is on erotica works: The excerpt should not contain anything the reader may find offensive and must be stated that it's erotica.

Short stories submitted must not be erotica. All other genres are welcome.

The THEME for the Anthology will be 'WINTER' and I am proposing a Christmas Eve (Dec. 24th) release date.

Entries should be submitted directly to me (Bryden) at

The closing date for entries into this anthology will be FRIDAY 22nd NOVEMBER 2013.

Romance Anthology

All stories must be of reasonable length. Remember: these are short stories, not novels. Stories submitted must be unpublished romance stories. No erotica. Do not exceed a moderate heat level. Deadline is January 15, 2014 to be published by Valentine's Day (February 14, 2014).